Many unsuspecting buyers end up with fake handbags in place of the real ones that they pay for. It is therefore essential for every fashion loving woman to be able to authenticate handbags before making a purchase.
Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, January 7, 2015 ( - Due to the influx of fake designer handbags being sold on the internet, Creme de la Creme Consigners of Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, is now offering a luxury handbag authentication service.
Pre owned handbags sometimes come with a catch. Many unsuspecting buyers end up with fake handbags in place of the real ones that they pay for. It is therefore essential for every fashion loving woman to be able to authenticate handbags before making a purchase.
"All of our handbags and clothing are authenticated."
Veronica Levine, Owner, Creme de la Creme Consigners
"We only sell authentic handbags so we have to be sure we know what we are receiving as consigners and selling as a boutique", said Veronica Levine, owner of Creme de la Creme Consingers. "We have relationsips with experts in Chanel, Hermes, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other famous designer brands to ensure the authenticity of our items. We've seen just about every model of the designer brands so we know exactly what to look for". The company is now offering an authentication service starting at $9.99 per handbag.
"You can either send us in photos of the handbag via email or send it in via mail. We will do our best to authenticate it in a timely manner", says Levine.
For more information about Creme de la Creme Consigners authetication service, call 305-763-8005 or email